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You may wonder why Mojito is so rarely featured on Mastadon. This screen grab was titled “Me Trying to Take a Picture with my Cat.” Entirely accurate.

Nerea’s first day of work! (Over winter break she is working at a senior care facility.)

We had a walk along the C and .O canal then a lovely dinner at Buddy Lou’s eats drinks and antiques for humans and dogs. Lovely!

Family dinner photo sharing with Nina’s boss for his birthday last night. What great trips the Boyle’s are having! From Europe to Central America they are on the move.

What do you call two guys above a window? Nerea’s son Sejal has sickle cell disease. This article about one of the ways people can pursue a “cure” is intriguing. There are other possibilities for some people too. I know Mastodon is usually light hearted. Forgive me if this was the wrong venue to share this in.

This was a great show and I highly recommend it. The wonderful story of Henry Sugar. I will watch it again with anyone bc who wants viewing companion! 41 minutes.

momster boosted

Signspotting - in Crispus Attucks Park in Washington, DC. A disc with a message! Extra points if you tell who Attucks was.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!